
Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Fat camp in Puddenhill

Hey Nomad,
Yesterday all tys took the challenge of attempting the braveforce challenge which is an army assalt course. With muck up to our knees, we roamed the course trudging through rivers up to our necks, rope climbing, crawling through extremely narrow tunnels and running straight into hay bails, go team! When we arrived to the course, there were 3 other schools there that were not only competing with us but had been training for months and were chosen by their schools because of their fitness, while Wolstans brought 70 girls not knowing what we were getting ourselves in for, losers for life.Overall the day was very tough but brilliant.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

La experiencia le boral

For my second work experience, I worked as a rep for the famous Irish pottery company, Louis Mulcahy. Each day I travelled around different parts of Ireland visiting shops to take stock counts and to take orders. I also worked as a rep for a new company called 'The Handmade soap company'. I met with the director, Donagh and got to experience the making of the product and how it is done and also to see the graphics of the product. Throughout the week I travelled to Carlow, all around Dublin, Laoise and Meath, visiting craft shops such as the Kilkenny shop and also vitage shops placing orders and having the craic with the customers.Overall the week was great!